

In this guide, we will learn about Github based agents, to understand and build faster with open-source projects.

Create Agent for an Open-Source Project

Agents for any open-source repository can be simply created by appending the Github repository URL to this link:

  • + <github repo url>

This opens up a web app to interact with the agent trained on repo code + issues.

Using the agent

For general projects, the agent can be used to:

  1. Ask specific + general questions on it's codebase.
  2. Look for specific issues related to your problem.
  3. Understand it better to make contributions.

For packages, the agent also enables you to use them without reading docs.

A note for Maintainers

A top priority as open-source maintainers is for developers to be able to understand your project and use it in their projects.

For the same, you can mention the above agent as a badge in your readme:

<a href="[github repo]>"><img src=""></a>
Open Marketplace with the `@` icon on the top right.

To create agents that include multiple sources from Github, Web, Discord, Slack and other private documents, checkout the next section.